Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Operation: Apartment

Another new series that we are starting on this here blog, and in the life of us Toews family. We are gearing up to move out of my parents' house. Ready to get out on our own. The real world (not some secluded cabin in the woods, or a cheap on-campus apartment), just the two of us (not with 3 others in NJ, or great-aunt Enid, or my parents). Gearing up to move forward. (remember my word for the year?)

... but first we have to find a place. Today we are looking at 3 different buildings. We really have no idea what we're doing. What do we look for? How much should we spend? We do have somewhat of a budget, but that is getting tweaked more & more everyday.

We would like 2 bedrooms, so we can have an office/sewing room/guest room/play room. But should we get something smaller and pay off those pesky student loans faster? Do we need a dishwasher, a deck, a walk-in closet, a tub, a pool, cable, internet (yes), a workable kitchen. Probably not, hmm. We'll see what home becomes our own.

Then when we get it... we have no furniture. or decorations. or this that and the other thing...

So this series is all about our process. probably more interesting and valuable to us than to you, a place to journal this whole operation, but maybe you will enjoy it as well.

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